Thursday, January 8, 2015

Least crashing during Unreal iphone development

Running Unreal on my old MAC is troublesome, lots of crashes. As mentioned previously these seem largely memory related but it does sound like others find Unreal less stable on the MAC.

Here's what I do to improve the situation:

  • Close everything, EVERYTHING, except the editor
    • Close the launcher once the editor is
    • Close iphoto as it probably booted up when you plugged in your phone
    • Close itunes
    • Close source control
    • Close XCode
    • Don't touch anything if you can help it.....
      • Edit your project on a PC if possible, just use the MAC to cook - to do this open Unreal (close stuff!) launch on iphone then exit and iterate using XCode
Open up the activity monitor and purge anything with CPU or memory use that seems non critical and expensive.

I would guess that the MAC build stabilizes over time, though I am likely to buy more memory in the meantime.

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